Legal Notice

Dominique Martino
12 rue de la Condamine, 04210  VALENSOLE, France
Tél. +33 (0)4 92 74 87 82 / Mob. +33 (0)6 76 56 27 72

SIRET 517 975 512 00024

Publishing Manager : Dominique Martino
Design : Brigitte Chabot –
photos : Nicolas LESER – Frederic DUCOUT
webdesign and maintenance : / mikado multimedia
Web hosting : OVH
Generator : WordPress

The website and its content are protected by copyright. Copying or public dissemination of the content of this site is not permitted. The technical information on this site is for informational purposes only and is subject to change based on legislative and regulatory changes.

The copyright of this site is reserved for any form of use. In particular, the reproduction of the graphic elements of the site, the complete downloading of the site for its recording on a distribution medium, as well as any use of the photos, visuals and texts which it contains other than individual and private consultation are prohibited without authorization. .

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